
In the dynamic landscape of social change and empowerment, one initiative shines as a testament to the transformative power of dedication and vision. The Equity Destitute Child’s Rights and Welfare Initiative, founded and officially registered in 2018, has emerged as a trailblazer in championing the rights and welfare of the marginalized, led by an exceptional...
Women of Tunga Buzu community in Kebbi state, beneficiaries of Abban Aisha Women a partner on the WVL project.       In Kebbi State, Nigeria, a transformative wind of change is sweeping through the lives of women, thanks to the Village Savings and Loan Scheme Association (VSLA) implemented under the Women’s Voice and Leadership-Nigeria (WVL-N) project,...
In the heart of economic challenges faced by marginalized women, the story of Misturat shines as an inspiring testament to the power of financial intervention and capacity-building support. This case study dives into the challenges she encountered before receiving a vital financial intervention and the remarkable transformation that followed, highlighting the critical role of donor...
The Almanah Hope Foundation has achieved great success with ActionAid Canada’s funding. Thanks to this support, the foundation has been able to do important work in helping communities, widows, and women that need it the most. Before the WVL project, we had faced challenges in reaching out to the widows and women within the communities...
Mrs. Virginia Nevo is a community member from Akegbe-Ugwu. She said she had been married for over twenty-five (25) years but the marriage has not been a happy one because of the acts of violence she had been experiencing for the past 7years. In 2012, one of her brother’s in law met her on her...
Traditionally overlooked, the pivotal role of Igbo women in the development of customary practices has been brought to the forefront through the Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL) project, a transformative initiative sponsored by Global Affairs Canada and supported by ActionAid. In Enugu State, Nigeria, women are breaking new ground and making a significant impact on...
In Amokwe, a rural community in Udi Local Government, the Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL) Project unveiled a landscape of untapped potential and hidden dreams. It became evident that the women in Amokwe were reticent and hesitant to voice their opinions, in a bold attempt to break this silence, I encouraged them to speak up...
Acknowledgement: This post was originally published on African Feminism. Any reproduction, redistribution, or modification of this content must be appropriately credited to African Feminism. For inquiries regarding republication, please contact the original source. Ramadan preparations in Nigeria begin long before the crescent moon is sighted. Like many people, I buy food in bulk: rice, millet,...
Empowering Women in Cross River: A Factsheet on the Women’s Voice and Leadership Project. Explore our initiatives and achievements in Cross River State, highlighting our efforts to empower women, promote gender equality, and drive positive change. Learn how we’re amplifying women’s voices and advancing gender justice in the region. Download Below
Discover the journey of empowerment and advocacy with our Women’s Voice and Leadership Factsheet, highlighting key milestones and impact since the project’s inception. Learn how we’re amplifying women’s voices and advancing gender equality. Download Below!  
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