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In the heart of Nigeria, a story of hope and transformation is unfolding. Zaki’s Gem, an organization dedicated to empowering women and girls, is weaving a tapestry of change through its Women’s Voice and Leadership Nigeria project.   At the helm of this remarkable journey is Nafisat Zaki, the resolute Executive Director of Zaki’s Gem....
  This achievement is truly remarkable, as it marks the first time in the 49-year history of the University of Calabar that a female has been elected as the president of the Student Union Government. Blessing Alims, at 33 years old, has broken new ground with her historic win. Her success can be attributed to...
Acknowledgement: This post was originally published on African Feminism. Any reproduction, redistribution, or modification of this content must be appropriately credited to African Feminism. For inquiries regarding republication, please contact the original source. Ramadan preparations in Nigeria begin long before the crescent moon is sighted. Like many people, I buy food in bulk: rice, millet,...
Discover the journey of empowerment and advocacy with our Women’s Voice and Leadership Factsheet, highlighting key milestones and impact since the project’s inception. Learn how we’re amplifying women’s voices and advancing gender equality. Download Below!  
In a distressing turn of events, 30 mothers and widows, among others, find themselves spending another weekend behind bars after a Chief Magistrate Court in Lafia, Nasarawa State, remanded them at the Correctional Centre. The arrest and subsequent arraignment stemmed from their alleged involvement in violence and destruction of public facilities following the Supreme Court’s...
ActionAid-Nigeria in partnership with Global Hope for Women and Children Foundation facilitated the conduct of a research assessment on the analysis of gender and women’ rights fundings in Nigeria to understand contemporary issues to shape stakeholders’ engagement and priorities for advocacy to scale-up justification for donors and government to prioritize fundings for women’s rights programing...
A comparative analysis with other parts of the world would conclude that some African countries are doing relatively well, using the example of South Africa. This paper aimed to identify the status of women in South Africa and Nigeria with a historical review to point out factors that facilitated women’s increase in South Africa and...
The International Assistance Evaluation Division (PRA) of Global Affairs Canada (GAC) engaged JSA Consulting – International to undertake a Deep Dive Case Study in Nigeria, of the Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL) program, a multi-country initiative to support women’s rights organizations (WROs). The WVL program was announced in 2017 with the adoption of Canada’s Feminist...
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