
Political parties are essential institutions ofdemocracy through which citizens express their aspirations to contribute to the polity of the nation through participation in political parties and through elections. By competing in elections, parties offer citizens a choice in governance, and while in opposition they can hold governments accountable. The Nigerian Constitution provides for every citizen,...
Kaduna and Kano States have a vibrant youth population. Although, they account for more than 50% of registered voters in the states, this doesnt reflect in the house of assembly, local councils, and the Federal level. While their are opportunities to build the capacity of youths and women towards increased participation in the political and...
Women‟s inclusion in the traditional councils, that is, in the cabinets of traditional rulers, is likely to be the biggest and final move for gender equity and equality in rural South East Nigeria where Igbos are indigenes. Women‟s representation and participation at this level of decision making will effectively curb the scourge of men‟s discrimination...
The project witnessed increased programming capacity of the LWROs and CBOs to influence gender policies at community, state and national levels. This is evidenced in the number of advocacy actions undertaken by the women’s groups in holding the government accountable and demanding for the advancement of women’s rights in Nigeria.   Download Below
Source: World Bank Female participation in entrepreneurial activities is higher in Sub-Saharan Africa than in any other region. However, women-owned businesses significantly underperform those owned by men. This paper identifies the main constraints that women face in developing their businesses in Africa and discusses how these constraints influence strategic choices in areas such as level...
  The WVL-N project year 2 reporting period was a mix of both exciting and unanticipated events evident through increased institutional capacities of LWROs, On-boarding and funding of 72 Community-Based Organizations, additional funding of $750,000 CAD to address COVID 19 induced SGBV, completion of the first round of SIF granting and implementation, disbursement of four...
  This paper discussed the several efforts made by the public and private sectors at the national and international level to ensure a balanced and equitable society where women political participation is seen to have been attained. Women participation in politics and representation in power in Nigeria’s nascent democracy has been consistently marred by underrepresentation...
The Women’s Rights Movement in Nigeria has benefitted from different streams of funding – especially international funding, and there is a funding gap in addressing the issues concerning gender and sexual-based violence, women’s (land) inheritance rights, and other harmful traditional practices. Furthermore, sub-groups such as females with disabilities, internally displaced women, and girl’s in conflict...
This Illustrative Resource Kit for Women was first conceived and designed by ActionAid in 2012. It was intended to be used as a guide by women facilitators in ActionAid Nigeria (AAN) communities in the deployment of the Women Peer Education Programme (as well as by other users and programmers who may find it a useful...
  About the Project: The WVL project is a five-year project funded by Global Affairs Canada. The project is aimed at tackling the barriers to gender equality and supporting the empowerment of women and girls through provision of technical and financial resources to local feminist/women’s rights organisation (LWROs[1])  that are advancing the rights of women...
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