
October 15, 2020
The Nigerian State is no stranger to acts of terrorism. The fourth republic has witnessed outbursts of violence and direct attacks from organized groups such as the Boko Haram sect, MEND (Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta), IPOB (Indigenous People of Biafra) although only Boko Haram and IPOB were classified by the Nigerian...
The incidence of rape is not a new phenomenon and it usually involves infants, adolescent girls or younger women as victims. However, some Nigerian national dailies (Premium Times 2013, Vanguard, 2011; 2012) recently reported recurring incidence of rape of older women which seems to be a pointer to increasing Prevalence of elderly abuse, violence on...
Child labour is so widespread in Nigeria today that it has been accepted by many as part of normal life. But the practice is only an abnormality which takes away the innocence of millions of children and it is a threat to the future of the country. ‘Almost half of Nigerian children trapped in forced...