Many development issues are deeply rooted in gender inequality. In turn, Gender Based Violence (GBV) has brought about poor progress on development issues such as poverty, access to education and health etc. Issues of education, health and poverty among women and girls will
remain unachieved unless gender inequality is addressed. Strengthening the Capacities of Local Woman’s Right Organization to Combat Violence against Women and Girls (SLOC VAWG) Project, was funded by Ford Foundation to support Women’s Rights Organizations (WROs) to advance gender equality in Nigeria.
The SLOC project was implemented by ActionAid (AAN) in partnership with WROs from 2020- 2023 in 3 states (Imo, Gombe, and FCT). Gender transformative programs aspire to tackle the root causes of gender inequality and it moves beyond self-improvement among girls and women to redress power dynamics and structures that serve to reinforce gender inequalities (UNICEF 2020). Through a gender transformative approach, the SLOC project provided technical and financial support to WROs to enable them to challenge oppressive socio-cultural norms and practices that escalate gender- based violence (GBV) and the fear of it. SLOC project aimed to bring changes in social norms andgender norms in project communities by changing people’s beliefs. The project also aimed toimprove the organizational and institutional capabilities of WROs.
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SLOC VAWG Project (2020- 2023) Nigeria Endline Evaluation Report (61 downloads)