Women in Politics Forum Success Story

Discover the inspiring journey of the Advocacy for Women with Disabilities Initiative (AWWDI) as they share their remarkable success story within the Women’s Voice and Leadership Nigeria Project. Learn how AWWDI is making a meaningful impact and empowering women with disabilities to advocate for their rights and inclusion.
This video shows the transformative change achieved by the Women’s Voice and Leadership Nigeria (WVL-N) Project funded by Global Affairs Canada and supported by ActionAid Nigeria. The project is implemented by a 100 Partner in 6 states including the FCT. Changes in the capacity of these organisations are visible in their words and can be...
Some of these beliefs have been practiced for so long that they are embedded in the societal perception as a social norm. 
Regrettably many cultural practices in Nigeria still subject women to harmful widowhood practices. This video series aims to expose these practices and urge the general public to advocate for prohibiting harmful widowhood practices in Nigeria
Silence encourages the tormentor at the risk of more victims! Play your part! Save a woman today by reporting cases of domestic violence!
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