Prior studies have assessed economic/instrumental dimensions of women’s empowerment relative to its agency dimensions. This study assessed ever-married women’s participation in the labor market as a form of agency for empowerment and household decision-making in Nigeria. The study utilizes secondary data from three national surveys of Nigeria’s 2003, 2008, and 2013 Demographic and Health Surveys...
The exclusion of women in politics has been identified in recent times as one of the major setbacks for economic development. Women’s groups are a strong pillar for grassroots politics; and a drive for more women participating in politics at the grassroots still faces a lot of challenges, making it difficult for them to harness...
Women’s rights are part of the fundamental human rights that are recognized in international human rights treaties. While Nigeria has acceded to a number of international instruments on the promotion and protection of women’s rights, women in this country have yet to realize their rights. The Nigerian Constitution requires that international treaties be domesticated before...
Concerns over women’s marginalization and invisibility in Africa policy-making, remains a fervent international discourse. These concerns are likely due to restrictive laws, cultural diversities and practices, institutional barriers, as well as disproportionate access to quality education, healthcare, and resources. Reversing these discriminatory practices is not impossible, and can be achieved by implementing the right mechanisms...