Beijing+ 25: Assessing The Realization Of Nigerian Women’s Rights In Critical Areas Of Sexual And Gender-Based Violence

The 1995 Beijing Platform for Action flagged 12 key areas where urgent action and concrete changes are needed for women and girls. Notwithstanding the efforts being made globally, which have awakened some attitudinal shift and consciousness, a lot still needs to be done towards realization of women’s rights as the present era of globalization and digitization which continues to witness alarming increase in different forms of violence against women on daily basis.

The COVID-19 pandemic made apparent the limited success in some of these 12 critical areas. In the context of COVID-19, there has been a significant rise in gender based violence. The tremendous spike in cases of violence against women and girls witnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented.

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Beijing+ 25: Assessing The Realization Of Nigerian Women’s Rights In Critical Areas Of Sexual And Gender-Based Violence (119 downloads)